Contents | About | Talks | Pictures | Daze in the Son | Biography | Chanting | Letters | Disciples |
Prelude to my Journey It was on the feast day of St. Stephen in 1973 that I left my mothers house in upstate New York and set out upon a remarkable journey around half the earth to seek a living son of god. This journey would take me to a meeting with a most remarkable god-man, a meeting that had already been predicted by an enlightened sage of my acquaintance, preceded by personal visions and transformations of an unusual nature. In fact, this meeting would be the beginning of the greatest adventure of my life.
And again one Easter when I came into possession of a very fine quality photograph of this great saint of India. I have tried to trace the origin of that divine time for me, but I cannot find out how or why that blissful madness came upon me. I can only say that I fell in love with a long deceased man of God, and that I became amazingly convinced I had known that man in another life and that he had loved me. I was looking for the reappearance, the reincarnation of a certain 19th century holy man, Sri Ramakrishna, the famed god-man of Dakshineshwar. I had discovered that he had several time predicted that he would take birth again two more times, and one of those times he would come in the form of a Baul in West Bengal.
And I became even further convinced that he in fact walked the earth again even now, in 1973, in a new body, and that I should immediately leave everything and seek him out with certain faith by any means and try to stay by his side all my remaining days. I can remember a hundred moments where this strange drama seemed to begin, but I can find no start to this story. Perhaps I search in vain. I was living at that time in Albany, New York. I had spent the five years after leaving college just searching out holy men and mystics, always trying to unravel and remember and understand the mysteries I had felt and seen on a classical 1966 pharmaceutical LSD trip at the golden coast of California. Surely, I thought, one of these wise and holy men, who seemed to be flocking to America at that time of mass expanded consciousness could explain the wonders I had seen on that deep night of the blood, the dark night of Kali. Surely there was a way back to that fresh fountain of life of which I had drunk. And surely there was a way to keep that knowledge and vision from dissolving like mists of sad fog on return to our ordinary less conscious state. I yearned to return to the gates of Eden. I left a promising job in the fall of 1968 and went to live in a fledgling yoga ashram in upstate New York. Was even this imprudent whim a foretaste of the divine madness to come? There I learned yoga, and nights were spent reading together aloud the great eastern and western spiritual teachings. On my second night in that wonderful place I was handed a heavy tome called "The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna," written by someone simply called "M." and I was told to begin at the beginning. We read aloud from this book every night for a long time, all through the winter. Only years later would I understand my good fortune at having such pure gold put in my hands at the beginning of my journey. I dont remember what I thought at the time. Everything was so new.
I lived in this way for three years, teaching yoga and going to see holy men. I saw Satchidananda, who was residing then in nearby Monroe. And then Swami Chidananda began coming to our place. Both these men were disciples of Sivananda of Rishikesh. It was my first contact with real monks, renunciates, sanyasis. Chidananda impressed me the most, and I even felt he offered discipleship with the name "Shankar" but it I guess it was not to be.
I immediately read nearly everything I could that he had written or spoken and eagerly. In 1970 while recuperating from a surgery a friend brought me a small book in the hospital called "On An Eternal Voyage" by Vimala Thakar. In it I read of her experiences with J. Krishnamurti. She seemed to have actually gone through the kind of transformation in consciousness which Krishnamurti talks about. She also told about how Krishnamurti had healed a painful ear condition she had by putting his hands on her head. This was unusual because Krishnamurti does not like to refer to such psychic phenomena as physical healing; he considered such things a distraction from the pure inquiry he advocated and practiced.
Later I would meet with Vimala Thakar herself and become a friend, and certain things she told me convinced me that I already had some kind of deep inner connection to the person of Sri Ramakrishna. She said to me: "Someday I think you will find that Ramakrishna will become your constant companion." By the time 1974 came around I had become obsessed with Ramakrishna and convinced that he was reincarnated in Bengal and that I must go find him. My faith had become so great that I had no doubt that if I went, I would find him. I knew he was pulling me to him. I could actually feel the very movement of my destiny. There was a comet in the sky in those days, a herald called Kohoutek, a comet from afar. It was to remain largely hidden from sight for the time of its journey through our world. It was there, in the sky, but invisible to the common sight of men, and I actually timed my journey to match its fiery sojourn around our sun. As it approached perihelion I would take off in the plane. As it rounded the sun, I would round the earth. And as it headed off into another orbit I would arrive in Calcutta, India. That was a time of visions, and our hearts were gladdened by the promise of things to come, of hidden things to be made known, and the unfolding of a story of a man of another order, who walked among men to bless the earth and all the life upon it. As a young man I was made into a child again, to go and seek my father. It was not an earthly father who called me on this journey, but the father of all things. So was this journey written on a living book by a pen beyond all comprehension. The events which followed would also remain hidden, until the coming of another herald a score and three years later which would not be hidden, not even in the daytime sky, and in the light of which these things could be made known. All was magic in those days. From the time I left my mother's house I began to feel as if some giant hand had taken me up and was carrying me where it would, altogether beyond the original impulse of my so called will A golden light increasingly surrounded me and I marveled at the descent of a palpable power that seemed to be making my deepest dreams come true. This was my passion, my obsession, my impossible dream. And it was my destiny to see this dream come true. How it happened, the long years of inspiration and preparation, are important to my tale, for they show the deep magic of high aspiration and yearning loving earnestness which is the key to anyone's inward spiritual path. |
Copyright © 1999 by Bill Morgan