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Samuel @Adams@It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds
by Anonymous
1 J|2 D|3 H|4 I|5 D|6 A|7 B|8 J|9 E|10 J|11 C|12 B|13 D|14 A|15 I|16 G|
17 G|18 J|19 K|20 A|21 C|22 H|23 D|24 I|25 I|26 C|27 A|28 F|29 H|30 A|31 D|32 B|33 B|
34 F|35 D|36 B|37 B|38 K|39 I|40 C|41 I|42 A|43 D|44 B|45 I|46 E|47 G|48 F|49 E|
50 C|51 J|52 G|53 A|54 E|55 A|56 B|57 A|58 I|59 E|60 H|61 D|62 D|63 C|64 K|65 K|66 A|
67 I|68 J|69 H|70 I|71 K|72 G|73 J|74 C|75 B|76 E|77 E|78 D|79 D|80 A|81 G|82 K|
83 J|84 I|85 F|86 C|87 I|88 I|89 E|90 G|91 J|92 G|93 F|94 K|95 C|96 I|97 A|98 B|99 K|
A. She played mom in The Partridge Family
6 80 14 53 55 30 66 20 27 97 42 57
B. Outdated, old-fashioned
32 7 37 33 12 36 44 75 56 98
C. Object entering the earth's atmosphere from space
95 50 40 11 21 63 86 26 74
D. Not blatant or aggressive, inconspicuous
78 61 62 35 2 43 13 79 23 31 5
E. To excite bitter feelings in
89 59 76 46 9 49 54 77
F. A slight error typically due to forgetfulness or inattention
34 48 28 85 93
G. An airplane wing or propeller blade, for example
17 16 47 90 81 72 52 92
H. Less moist
3 29 60 69 22
I. Star of Hitchcock's thriller Psycho
39 70 24 41 4 87 25 88 84 15 67 96 45 58
J. To give information erroneously, to mistate the fact
18 1 73 83 68 91 8 10 51
K. One who holds up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn
99 19 65 82 38 64 94 71