Declines to Comment for Magazine
Here's a flurry of interesting emails about a discussion in the
magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology.
Jan Riis-christensen spotted the discussion, which was about Zero-Point
energy, and felt that certain statements in it should be
challenged. At issue is the famous "Second Law of
Thermodynamics," which seems to forbid the idea that you can
get free energy from the vacuum of space - the so-called "law
of entropy."
So Jan writes to scalar scientist Tom Bearden via his webmaster,
Tony Craddock, asking if Bearden would write something challenging the
nay-sayers in the magazine's discussion. Bearden has written about the
possibility of "negentropy," or the tapping of the
"zero-point energy" of the vacuum of space -- that is to
say, free energy devices. Entropy says that everything is
gradually running down and tending toward more chaos, which is
disorder. Negentropy says that the reverse is possible, that an
increase of order is possible in certain circumstances, free energy
from the time domain (4th dimension) transduced into the 3-dimensional
world of matter.
Of particular interest is Bearden's response. Although he declined
to comment to the magazine, in fact he has here given us his comments.
First Jan writes to Tony Craddock, then there are some excerpts
from the magazine, then Bearden gives his reason for not bothering to
write to the magazine. Bearden's comments are in bold.
Message: 1
Subject: ZPE
There is a discussion going on in Aviation Week & Space
Technology (AW&ST) on the subject of zero point energy (ZPE),
where Jan Riis-Christensen got his comments on ZPE printed. To follow
up the trend Jan e-mailed Thomas E. Bearden asking him to consider
writing AW&ST a comment on ZPE. Bearden wrote in reply.
Copied from:
In succession:
----- Original Message -----
From: Jan Riis-christensen
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 2:30 PM
Subject: VS: Editorial on ZPE in Aviation Week & Space Technology
Tony Craddock - (
Please pass on the following information to Tom Bearden.
With due respect I wish to inform you about my comments in
AW&ST (March 22, 2004). Unfortunately and for reasons unknown your
name (Thomas E. Bearden) was withdrawn from my original text. I.e.
{... was granted U.S. patent # 6,362,718, on Mar. 26, 2002.} &
{ vacuum, and was developed by a team led by Dr. Thomas E.
The same goes for my next comment in AW&ST (May 17, 2004),
where I suggested reading the well-founded analysis on ZPE, Energy
From The Vacuum, written by Bearden. Please see my following e-mail.
Kind regards,
Jan Riis-Christensen
Text as printed (March 22, 2004):
ZPE would zap fossil fuels Your editorial on "zero point
energy" (ZPE) describes the research and development situation in
unduly restrained terms (AW&ST Mar. 1. p. 50). In fact, this is
one field of development in which the U.S. Energy Dept. has
deliberately chosen not to serve the public interest. The fossil fuel
industry, besides nuclear hot-fusion R&D, is the major player
behind this policy. Mainstream R&D communities are, without
interference, securing federal funding. A breakthrough with the
non-polluting ZPE, such as the over-unity extracting of electrical
energy from the active vacuum, would bring a rapid loss of prominence
to fossil fuel production and consumption of its goods and services.
Worthy of note is the motionless electromagnetic generator (MEG). This
over-unity device was granted a U.S. patent on Mar. 26, 2002. The MEG
efficiently derives useful electromagnetic energy from the active
Jan Riis Christensen
Oslo, Norway
'Correspondence', AW&ST May 17, 2004:
Regarding John Lynch's belief that a zero point energy system is an
oxymoron violating the First Law of Thermodynamics (AW&ST Apr. 19,
p.8), in certain commanding financial levels this point of view is
part of an economic strategy. Legitimate over-unity devices are
already operational and extracting electromagnetic (EM) energy from
the active vacuum - without violation of any known laws of physics.
The conservation of energy - First Law of Thermodynamics - is a
statement of macroscopic experience. Two types of energy in transition
are listed: heat and work. The dissipation of energy is work, not the
energy itself. In the up-to-date EM model, over-unity is a statement
of reasons in which additional joules of work are performed by each
joule of input energy. The broken symmetry of an exchange was shown to
be true in 1957 with the Nobel Prize to Lee and Yang.
Jan Riis-Christensen
Oslo, Norway
Thermodynamics is alive and well but not living in the zero point
energy community. Reader John Lynch is on the mark. Further, even if
he were wrong, the Second Law of Thermodynamics excludes using
conversion of random energy fluctuations into useful power. The late
James Clerk Maxwell proposed the existence of "a demon" that
could convert random motion of gas molecules into useful energy. He
then proved such a demon could not exist. Maxwell also might devise a
demon to show that ZPE is not convertible into useful energy.
Eugene E. Covert
Cambridge, Mass.
This is really something !!! Here we go again with the wrong
interpretation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics! I'm mailing this
to Thomas E. Bearden. This comment should not stand unanswered.
Jan Riis-Christensen
----- Original Message -----
From: Jan Riis-christensen
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:37 AM
Subject: RE: Letter to the Managing Editor, Aviation Week & Space
Tony Craddock,
If Thomas Bearden wishes to comment on ZPE, there are two possible
alternatives as I see it. Either a letter shorter than 200 words for
the 'Correspondence' column, or (even better) a special article (one
page) under 'Viewpoint'. Mail to
It is worth trying - for sure !
Kind regards,
Jan Riis-Christensen
----- Original Message -----
From: A.J. Craddock
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 2:38 AM
Subject: Fwd: RE: Aviation Week & Space Technology.
Rather useless to send in anything; AW&ST would never develop
the source-charge problem, nor discuss it, nor discuss the present
Maxwell-Heaviside model assumption that every joule of EM energy in
the universe is and has been freely created from nothing, by those
source charges.
It just is not possible to have any kind of meaningful dialog in
such media. Understand, AW&ST does a good job in things like
aerospace, etc. But to my knowledge, they have never had a single
article pointing out the foundations assumptions in Maxwell-Heaviside
classical electrodynamics and electrical engineering.
Really cannot blame AW&ST! They turn to the scientific
community, and the scientists assure them that everything is already
known in that model.
But I still have not found a single textbook which does list the
foundations assumptions, and does then point out which ones have been
falsified by particle physics since the 1865 paper of James Clerk
Heck, they appear not to realize that no such thing as a force
field exists in space, even though the EE and CEM model assumes such.
(That, of course, assumes a material ether). They do not recognize
that Newton's first law is the law of perpetual motion, and that
experiments with persistent superconducting currents initiated in
shorted superconductor circuits will circulate indefinitely.
Statistically, the estimate of the half- life of the current is
10exp23 years -- an incredible period of time nearly unimaginably
greater than the entire life of the universe to date.
One can buy a little kit for a few hundred dollars, and do one's
own perpetual motion experiment at will.
And the Second Law of thermodynamics as written applies only to
equilibrium systems (which is the condition of maximum entropy).
Anytime the system is taken into disequilibrium, it automatically
reduces its entropy, which is a negative entropy operation,
permissibly violating the equilibrium Second Law because equilibrium
no longer applies.
Best wishes,
Tom Bearden