Scalar Thread from Rumor Mill News Forum

Posted By: billym <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 8:12 a.m.

Bearden Declines to Comment for Magazine

Here's a flurry of interesting emails about a discussion in the magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology. Jan Riis-christensen spotted the discussion, which was about Zero-Point energy, and felt that certain statements in it should be challenged. At issue is the famous "Second Law of Thermodynamics," which seems to forbid the idea that you can get free energy from the vacuum of space - the so-called "law of entropy."

So Jan writes to scalar scientist Tom Bearden via his webmaster, Tony Craddock, asking if Bearden would write something challenging the nay-sayers in the magazine's discussion. Bearden has written about the possibility of "negentropy," or the tapping of the "zero-point energy" of the vacuum of space -- that is to say, free energy devices. Entropy says that everything is gradually running down and tending toward more chaos, which is disorder. Negentropy says that the reverse is possible, that an increase of order is possible in certain circumstances, free energy from the time domain (4th dimension) transduced into the 3-dimensional world of matter.

Of particular interest is Bearden's response. Although he declined to comment to the magazine, in fact he has here given us his comments.

First Jan writes to Tony Craddock, then there are some excerpts from the magazine, then Bearden gives his reason for not bothering to write to the magazine. Bearden's comments are in bold.

Message: 1
Subject: ZPE

There is a discussion going on in Aviation Week & Space Technology (AW&ST) on the subject of zero point energy (ZPE), where Jan Riis-Christensen got his comments on ZPE printed. To follow up the trend Jan e-mailed Thomas E. Bearden asking him to consider writing AW&ST a comment on ZPE. Bearden wrote in reply.

Copied from: comment.html

In succession:

----- Original Message -----
From: Jan Riis-christensen
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 2:30 PM
Subject: VS: Editorial on ZPE in Aviation Week & Space Technology

Tony Craddock - (

Please pass on the following information to Tom Bearden.

With due respect I wish to inform you about my comments in AW&ST (March 22, 2004). Unfortunately and for reasons unknown your name (Thomas E. Bearden) was withdrawn from my original text. I.e. {... was granted U.S. patent # 6,362,718, on Mar. 26, 2002.} & { vacuum, and was developed by a team led by Dr. Thomas E. Bearden.}

The same goes for my next comment in AW&ST (May 17, 2004), where I suggested reading the well-founded analysis on ZPE, Energy From The Vacuum, written by Bearden. Please see my following e-mail.

Kind regards,
Jan Riis-Christensen


Text as printed (March 22, 2004):

ZPE would zap fossil fuels Your editorial on "zero point energy" (ZPE) describes the research and development situation in unduly restrained terms (AW&ST Mar. 1. p. 50). In fact, this is one field of development in which the U.S. Energy Dept. has deliberately chosen not to serve the public interest. The fossil fuel industry, besides nuclear hot-fusion R&D, is the major player behind this policy. Mainstream R&D communities are, without interference, securing federal funding. A breakthrough with the non-polluting ZPE, such as the over-unity extracting of electrical energy from the active vacuum, would bring a rapid loss of prominence to fossil fuel production and consumption of its goods and services. Worthy of note is the motionless electromagnetic generator (MEG). This over-unity device was granted a U.S. patent on Mar. 26, 2002. The MEG efficiently derives useful electromagnetic energy from the active vacuum.

Jan Riis Christensen
Oslo, Norway


'Correspondence', AW&ST May 17, 2004:


Regarding John Lynch's belief that a zero point energy system is an oxymoron violating the First Law of Thermodynamics (AW&ST Apr. 19, p.8), in certain commanding financial levels this point of view is part of an economic strategy. Legitimate over-unity devices are already operational and extracting electromagnetic (EM) energy from the active vacuum - without violation of any known laws of physics.

The conservation of energy - First Law of Thermodynamics - is a statement of macroscopic experience. Two types of energy in transition are listed: heat and work. The dissipation of energy is work, not the energy itself. In the up-to-date EM model, over-unity is a statement of reasons in which additional joules of work are performed by each joule of input energy. The broken symmetry of an exchange was shown to be true in 1957 with the Nobel Prize to Lee and Yang.

Jan Riis-Christensen
Oslo, Norway



Thermodynamics is alive and well but not living in the zero point energy community. Reader John Lynch is on the mark. Further, even if he were wrong, the Second Law of Thermodynamics excludes using conversion of random energy fluctuations into useful power. The late James Clerk Maxwell proposed the existence of "a demon" that could convert random motion of gas molecules into useful energy. He then proved such a demon could not exist. Maxwell also might devise a demon to show that ZPE is not convertible into useful energy.

Eugene E. Covert
Cambridge, Mass.

This is really something !!! Here we go again with the wrong interpretation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics! I'm mailing this to Thomas E. Bearden. This comment should not stand unanswered.

Jan Riis-Christensen


----- Original Message -----
From: Jan Riis-christensen
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:37 AM
Subject: RE: Letter to the Managing Editor, Aviation Week & Space

Tony Craddock,

If Thomas Bearden wishes to comment on ZPE, there are two possible alternatives as I see it. Either a letter shorter than 200 words for the 'Correspondence' column, or (even better) a special article (one page) under 'Viewpoint'. Mail to It is worth trying - for sure !

Kind regards,
Jan Riis-Christensen

----- Original Message -----

From: A.J. Craddock
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 2:38 AM
Subject: Fwd: RE: Aviation Week & Space Technology.


Rather useless to send in anything; AW&ST would never develop the source-charge problem, nor discuss it, nor discuss the present Maxwell-Heaviside model assumption that every joule of EM energy in the universe is and has been freely created from nothing, by those source charges.

It just is not possible to have any kind of meaningful dialog in such media. Understand, AW&ST does a good job in things like aerospace, etc. But to my knowledge, they have never had a single article pointing out the foundations assumptions in Maxwell-Heaviside classical electrodynamics and electrical engineering.

Really cannot blame AW&ST! They turn to the scientific community, and the scientists assure them that everything is already known in that model.

But I still have not found a single textbook which does list the foundations assumptions, and does then point out which ones have been falsified by particle physics since the 1865 paper of James Clerk Maxwell.

Heck, they appear not to realize that no such thing as a force field exists in space, even though the EE and CEM model assumes such. (That, of course, assumes a material ether). They do not recognize that Newton's first law is the law of perpetual motion, and that experiments with persistent superconducting currents initiated in shorted superconductor circuits will circulate indefinitely. Statistically, the estimate of the half- life of the current is 10exp23 years -- an incredible period of time nearly unimaginably greater than the entire life of the universe to date.

One can buy a little kit for a few hundred dollars, and do one's own perpetual motion experiment at will.

And the Second Law of thermodynamics as written applies only to equilibrium systems (which is the condition of maximum entropy). Anytime the system is taken into disequilibrium, it automatically reduces its entropy, which is a negative entropy operation, permissibly violating the equilibrium Second Law because equilibrium no longer applies.

Best wishes,

Tom Bearden


Posted By: Sacred_Scientist <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 8:52 a.m.


I concur with Tom Bearden on his many points. Standard science has a frozen mind-set not unlike dogmatic religions. Both fields refuse to consider researched fact preferring instead to "go along to get along".

Bearden refers to "negentropy" as the opposite of entropy. In other circles of research negentropy is called "centropy", "love", affinity, female force, or even quantum aggregative force. This is not new. Much has been written on this much ignored concept by Walter Russell <>, John Keely <> and elsewhere. This centropic condition of quantum phenomena is the other half of nature that has been and continues to be ignored by orthodoxy. When this other half of nature becomes recognized and accepted for legitimate research the world will witness a revolution in science, technology and philosophy beyond our imaginings.


Posted By: billym <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 9:44 a.m.


Yes! You have caught the essence of it with the words:

"This centropic condition of quantum phenomena is the other half of nature that has been and continues to be ignored by orthodoxy. When this other half of nature becomes recognized and accepted for legitimate research the world will witness a revolution in science, technology and philosophy beyond our imaginings."

That was exactly what blew my mind in the week-long epiphany I had after studying Bearden's ideas for about 6 months. It was really like a satori experience. I remember trying to walk to the store and feeling dizzy with the sudden intuitions which were coming, despite my not being a scientist and not understanding Bearden's physics or math that well. The feeling was just that: THE OTHER HALF OF THE REALITY. The infinite ocean of energy. The other half of everything. The Tao, scientifically. The plenum. The void which is full. The invisible half, which is no less "real" than the visible half.

We experience the world of matter (and time, which is unobservable). But there is a lot more so-called "nothing" than there is of this puny "stuff." That other invisible half of reality is mighty! It is the firmament of time. It is the eternity. It is the source, and the ocean into which all flows. And given the necessary research and development, it can power your TV and your anti-grav car and your protective electro-dome and even your hair dryer.

And I was dizzy because I had been living my life in only one half, though I had many intuitions that there was more, that something was missing. (Like that old song, "Is That All There Is?")

So I think that idea of the other half of reality is a good clue, a good key.

4. Re: Beast-man Science vs Sacred Science

Posted By: Sacred_Scientist <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 10:02 a.m.

In Response To: HA! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT BLEW MY MIND! (billym)

The half of the universe perceived and manipulated by conventional science is the Beast-man Science, sometimes called "sledgehammer" science. They pound, hammer, explode and destroy.

The other Divine-man or Sacred Science is the Loving, nurturing CREATIVE side of nature - wholly ignored by science and fogotten by religion.


Posted By: billym <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 10:09 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Beast-man Science vs Sacred Science (Sacred_Scientist)


Where have you been? The phrase "Ignored by science and forgotten by religion" is one I am going to keep for the rest of my life. Excellent.

Please post more of you ideas. (If you have the time).

Especially if you understand something about quantum reality (etc.) or the union of science/religion, teach us!



Posted By: Sacred_Scientist <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 10:19 a.m.


"Time" is something I don't have a lot of ordinarily. This morning I had some extra on hand to share.

Quantum reality: It's all in the MIND, literally. Some on this forum have been beating all around the bush of "made-up" or imagined realities. How so true. Would any go along with the idea that all so-called physical matter is composed of condensed non-physical Mind?

"Science and Religion and are One when their purposes are One." Cayce



Posted By: billym <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 10:32 a.m.


You said:

"Quantum reality: It's all in the MIND, literally."


"Would any go along with the idea that all so-called physical matter is composed of condensed non-physical Mind?"

To think that science is getting THERE really is amazing. That is pure Milarepa, Merril-Wolfe, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta, Aurobindo. It is the deepest level of Eastern religion and thought. It is the Vedas, the Vedanta (literally "beyond the end of knowledge).

To think that science and the ancient teachings of the East are on a convergence course is astounding and wonderful. No wonder you call yourself Sacred_Scientist. This is one of my all-time favorite topics.

I shall pray that the universe arrange some more free time for you so you can share more of your ideas with us!! :-)



Posted By: TruthPassion <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 7:41 p.m.


Many years ago I bought a copy of "The Tao of Physics" by Fritjof Capra and read it from beginning to end. Although understanding very little of the physics that book was to me one of the most wonderful and exciting books I had ever read.

I soaked the metaphysical side up. Along with it, I was reading "Cosmic Consciousness" by Richard Maurice (published 1901), "Memories, Dreams, Reflections" by Carl Jung and many other wonderful books which showed me that, in a way I didn't understand, the world was one, even though, and maybe because, the concept of the opposites included good and evil as well and light and day etc.

But The Tao of Physics was the incredible book that helped me to KNOW this was so.

And then, I gradually turned to politics, mainly, I think, because I still had to understand evil, which I'd always explained away as "lack of good", and some of the wonder that had been so important in my life left me. And I'm still trying to understand the complexity of good and evil, which is pretty blatant at this time in our history.

I've tried to understand Beardon's work, but have found it difficult. However, this thread has touched something in me that I'd sort of left dormant, or perhaps couldn't quite "take hold of" anymore.

So yes, the merging of science and religion is probably the ultimate that man can aspire to at this particular time.



Posted By: FarSight3 <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 9:05 a.m.

In Response To: SCALAR SCIENTIST BEARDEN DECLINES TO WRITE TO MAGAZINE (billym) Billy Preston has expressed it in a more melodical way.

...I sometimes do feel really sorry about the fact that we do not seem to learn from the past experiences of human adventures.

I agree - by stating "...discuss the present Maxwell-Heaviside model assumption that every joule of EM energy in the universe is and has been freely created from nothing..." the whole discussion with scilentists is USELESS.

And HERE again goes the term of "free energy" down the throats...

When you imagine 'interconnected realms' then taking 'something' - that seems to be 'for free' - into our 'Universe' just means that you don't look farther than the tip of your nose.

You always take the resources from 'somwhere' else - even you cannot measure and recognize it. 'Free energy' sounds good in our World on first hand, but at the same time 'lacking' from another density.

Which -by law of the Multiverse- will get the 'cashback' for it in another way. This we do call respons-ability...

Just to be aware of....
Far Sight 3

PS: The rising of the oil-prices could provide those 'companies' who are in the starting holes for the introduction of 'new energy devices' a true fortune. They could argument with MARKET-PRICES much higher than a year ago - for their 'new' inventions. So it will look even cheaper as petrol...

Just be aware of this...


Posted By: billym <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 9:30 a.m.


Or should one say, it comes from "somewhen?"

That's one thing that blew my mind about Bearden's theories. The 2nd Law is about the conservation of mass and energy. If you take it from here you lose it from there.

Those who are nay-sayers about Bearden because of the "2nd Law" are not listening to what he is saying. He is saying that the energy IS conserved, just not in "3-space" or our 3-dimensional world. Reality is not just 3-space. We live in time, too. The "free" energy of free-energy devices is coming from 4-space, or time. (Or spacetime). That's the most amazing thing I ever heard: time is compressed energy!

We know matter is compressed energy because atomic bombs have proved it. And it is compressed by a great degree. And if Bearden is correct, time is compressed energy by the exact same degree: the speed of light squared.

So then what is one to think? One might think, well, if you had a zillion free energy devices all over the galaxy, wouldn't time itself start getting depleted? (And then, "what exactly does THAT mean?) Would we "run out of time?" (LOL)

The answer is that there is a hell of a lot of time in the universe, just as there is a hell of a lot of matter. Maybe time would get a tiny bit used up, but it would be a really tiny amount, just to power all the things of this tiny earth. We are talking about an ocean of time.

An analog would be someone fearing to put a paddlewheel in a river because he thinks his paddlewheel might use up all the energy of the river and the river would stop flowing, because of the resistence of his paddlewheel.

Yes, the "free" energy comes from somewhere, but there is a tremendous amount of energy in that somewhere (or somewhen), so I doubt we would ever be in danger of bringing Time to a stop!!


Posted By: Sacred_Scientist <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 9:56 a.m.


There is more to this story/theory than Time. The energy is not coming from Time per se but from motion accummulated IN Time. Think of the POWER delivered from a small gear with lots of teeth compared to the SPEED of a larger gear. The SPEED may be concentrated into POWER (of motion). Likewise Time (and Power) is rearranged in similar fashion. Concentration of Speed into Power is where the so-called Free Energy is coming from.

Time, as we know it, is an EFFECT of motion. A day with 24 hours is the result (EFFECT) of the earth's daily spin on its axis. A year with 365 24-hour days is the result (EFFECT) of the earth's yearly rotation about its center the Sun. By decreasing its orbit diameter its spin velocity is decreased - hence Time would then have an appearance of being less daily Time per yearly cycle which had been shortened. The same principle applies to quantum phenomena... :)



Posted By: billym <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 10:19 a.m.

In Response To: Re: YES! THE "FREE" ENERGY DOES COME FROM SOMEWHERE (Sacred_Scientist)

Some time back, no pun intended, I realized that time was a great mystery and I would probably be pondering for the rest of my "time" on earth.

Bearden speaks of the "axis of time." Can you explain that? That is, we can image 3-space drawn as is done in geometry with x, y, and z axis. The time axis is somehow at right angles to all three of those, so we can't quite draw a picture of it. But what IS it? And what IS a dimension?

How would you define the word "dimension?"

Bearden talks about longitudinal EM waves being compressions along the time axis, orthorotated (right angled) to 3-space. What can that possibly mean?

Ordinary EM (transverse waves) are said to modulate at right angles to the direction they are moving (spatial). The longitudinal waves are said to modulate in the direction they are moving, accordian-like. Do you think that is correct? As far as I can understand Bearden the longitudinal waves are actually modulations in the speed of time. Waves of time changes in the matterless vacuum space. What do you think?



Posted By: Sacred_Scientist <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 10:37 a.m.

In Response To: TIME IS THE KEY (billym)

: Some time back, no pun intended, I realized that time was a
: great mystery and I would probably be pondering for the
: rest of my "time" on earth.

There is no Time but NOW. It'll never run out!

: Bearden speaks of the "axis of time." Can you
: explain that? That is, we can image 3-space drawn as is
: done in geometry with x, y, and z axis. The time axis is
: somehow at right angles to all three of those, so we can't
: quite draw a picture of it. But what IS it? And what IS a
: dimension?

I want to be careful here. Tom and I are old friends. I admire and respect him for his courage and persistence. This idea of Time is (perhaps) one point of disagreement though as I learn more of what he says I learn to eventually (perhaps grudgingly) agree with him. I do not see Time as having a vector (direction) or potential of its own. I see Time as an Effect but that doesn't mean I'm right and he is wrong. There is a LOT to be learned in all this.

: How would you define the word "dimension?"

Not as ordinarily viewed as say in parallel dimensions. I see dimensions as concurrent events/actions on multi-planes of energy states/conditions. For instance we see 3-D events as atomic or molecular actions. AT THE SAME TIME there are also quantum events happening within that same SPACE as occupied by the molecules and atoms.

: Bearden talks about longitudinal EM waves being compressions
: along the time axis, orthorotated (right angled) to
: 3-space. What can that possibly mean?

That's true because (imagine a 3-D graph) as a wave moves so does its Timing. Time and wave propagation are reciprocals. Perhaps the term "Wave Number" would work better here. Wave Number is so many waves per SPACE while Frequency is so many waves per TIME.

: Ordinary EM (transverse waves) are said to modulate at right
: angles to the direction they are moving (spatial).


: The
: longitudinal waves are said to modulate in the direction
: they are moving
, accordian-like. Do you think that is
: correct?

True. That is the way it is recognized.

: As far as I can understand Bearden the
: longitudinal waves are actually modulations in the speed of
: time. Waves of time changes in the matterless vacuum space.
: What do you think?

As mentioned in another posting to this thread Time is an Effect of motions. A wave does not really exist AS A WAVE. A wave is an EFFECT of reciprocal and coordinated MOTIONS (spin and revolution). So as these motions change Time changes and we then perceive Waves.

The vacuum of space is not empty. Far from it. It is filled with quantum energy states. These imperceptibly small quantum "particles" accummulate through Centropic forces (glouns, etc.) into larger atoms, molecules, planets and stars. Which eventually dissociate through various kinds of radiation back into the Void from which they originated.

PS: I'm running low on Time and will get back to you as able.



Posted By: billym <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 11:35 a.m.

In Response To: Re: TIME IS THE KEY (Sacred_Scientist)

Just as well that we must pause for now, for you have given me so much to ponder I fear it will take some "time." There is much that you say that I do not comprehend, but of course I don't, I am not a scientist and you are clearly a brilliant one.

Here are some stumbling blocks I don't understand which perhaps you can elucidate later.

"I do not see Time as having a vector (direction) or potential of its own. I see Time as an Effect.."

That I must ponder. And this concept is very difficult for a layman:

"As mentioned in another posting to this thread Time is an Effect of motions. A wave does not really exist AS A WAVE. A wave is an EFFECT of reciprocal and coordinated MOTIONS (spin and revolution). So as these motions change Time changes and we then perceive Waves."

That one requires perhaps some firm background in physics.

But I am charmed by the fact that you say there is yet so much to learn. You are clearly outside the mainstream which seems to believe that all that can be known is already known. And I am thrilled that you are a friend of Tom's and equally thrilled to hear the points of disagreement.

I, on the other hand, have spent most of my life studying the teachings of those strange and peculiar souls known in the history of religions as "enlightened," in particular those of the 20th century. In so many ways and on so many fronts what the genuine ones say (and one must definitely sift the wheat from the chaff here) seems to echo the equally peculiar and strange directions of the leading scientific edge.

One wonderful example of this is the friendship which developed between J. Krishnamurti and David Bohm, the theoretical physicist. Krishnamurti had clearly broken through into some other kind of consciousness, and at a fairly young age. Bohm had made similar breakthroughs in his own area, and went to Krishnamurti to discuss thought and consciousness and mind. They had many dialogs together, many of which were recorded, which culminated in the book "The Ending of Time," which I consider to be one of the most profound in the Krishnamurti collection.

What happens in that book is quite wonderful. Krishnamurti, the enlightened one, though he would have objected strongly to that characterization, and the scientist discussing together the nature of time and thought and the ending of both. And David Bohm does a wonderful thing there. Scientist that he is, he keeps stopping Krishnamurti and asking him to explain further whenever something is not clear to him. Krishnamurti is almost famous for the fact that hardly anyone has ever really "gotten" what he says, "gotten" meaning having gone through the total transformation that he talks about, which he himself went through. And Bohm keeps stopping him and urging him to clarify things, and so performs a work that is to the benefit of us all. "The Ending of Time" is not an easy book. It's the kind of book you might want to read every few years.

So in that meeting of Krishnamurti and David Bohm we have a penultimate meeting of East and West, religion (real religion) and science. What sessions those must have been!

Another sage of India of the 20th century was Nisargadatta, who ruthlessly and insistently is concerned only with what he calls the Absolute, and regard ALL else as illusions of mind in consciousness. He is like Ramana Marhashi updated by 50 years. And his total focus on the Absolute reminds me of the true mission of Tom Bearden, which is the "holy grail," the Grand Unified Field Theory, or as Hawking puts it, "the theory of everything," or as one might say, a picture of God. When a scientific search is informed by this passion for the unity, it hardly differs from the religious man's search for God, so I suppose one should not be surprised that in this new century the once disparate fields of science and religion seem to be converging. I find that just absolutely thrilling. Gives me goosebumps. In the realm of knowledge, what a time to be alive!

So I think it was my background in the spiritual search for unity that led to my "epiphany" with Bearden when I suddenly sensed the underlying grandeur of what he was after, and related to the similar search within oneself that I had studied for so many years. There was no difference! And when the holy grail would be found and shown, science will have given mankind what all the (few) enlightened ones of history have been trying to give as well. A map, a portrait, a working sketch of the absolute.

I am hoping Sacred_Scientist will have time to share more with us. I know I am not likely to fully understand the scientific aspects in full, but I love hearing about it just as I love hearing about those rare souls who somehow broke through to a higher conscious. These, my two loves in life, science and religion, are destined to meet at some future point of light.


Posted By: IZAKOVIC <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 10:22 a.m.


Here is one snip from my article SATURATION WITHIN that was posted in September 2001 at


In the last few years, strong indications at first (the article The Gravitational Spacecraft, which was published on 27 December 1998 issue of Electric Spacecraft Journal by Brazilian physicist Fran de Aquino, now working at Los Alamos Laboratory, and many other publications by researchers working in zero point energy field as well) and now announcements of patents soon being granted (Bearden's Motionless Electromagnetic Generator - MEG) and applications already made (Pravda July 26, 2001 araticle, whhich is accessible through Pravda logo, about Prof. Dr. Valerian Sobolev's free energy sources and materials, Prof. John R R Searl who makes real flying saucers already for 40 years and now looks for investors and still some more) point out that Electro magnetically disrupted space-time fabric, of that what we perceive as the reality in which we all live in, is instantly self-repaired by the influx of energy from the outside of the system. In another way it could be said that the entropy of the system (measure of degradation of a contained system) is lowered by the influx of the information from the outside of the system itself.

After all somebody said long ago that at the beginning there was only the word.
If this is so than the gravity, a force which is believed to hold everything within the universe together, is a manifestation of a modulated electromagnetic field which propagates (communicates) instantly making the state of the emissions of the Sun/ suns directly dependent of the state of the galaxy core or on the state of the intent which is behind it's own operation.
Otherwise, it would be very difficult to understand how such a complex structure, as our reality is, could be kept together against constant, strong abuse from within."

This is the grist of our, human condition.



Posted By: FarSight3 <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1 June 2004, 11:05 a.m.


There is a'big clue' behind all 'Quantum Physics' we all do know very well and at the same time don't seem to know it sometimes, because we are simply G-enerating it: Consciousness...

: After all somebody said long ago that at the beginning there
: was only the word.
: If this is so than the gravity, a force which is believed to
: hold everything within the universe together, is a
: manifestation of a modulated electromagnetic field which
: propagates (communicates) instantly making the state of the
: emissions of the Sun/ suns directly dependent of the state
: of the galaxy core or on the state of the intent which is
: behind it's own operation.
: Otherwise, it would be very difficult to understand how such a
: complex structure, as our reality is, could be kept
: together against constant, strong abuse from within."

Counsciousness(C) and Photon-Pairs are interconnected. C interferes with Photons and generates Gravitation and Matter. Gravitation is the direct manifestation of C. EM is a result.

By chanting (Mantras) we can interfere directly influencing Gravitation-> Light-> Matter.

You can actually 'catch' Gravitation by means of spirals. The dance of the Dervishes is connected to that fact. The Tower od Babel seemed to have been a construct for 'collecting' Gravitational Waves (these are by no means 'waves' in the classical sense as they seem to be 'out of time'...LOL).

Force isn't the main thing. More important is the force/space-connection as you see in the principle of Resonance, where it is important, WHEN and WHERE you adept 'force' to a system.

There are two kinds of resonance. The resonance of SPACE (form) and the resonance of TIME (frequency).

Just my 5 cents...

Far Sight 3


An Email received:




Sacred_Scientist wrote:

"As mentioned in another posting to this thread Time is an Effect of motions. A wave does not really exist AS A WAVE. A wave is an EFFECT of reciprocal and coordinated MOTIONS (spin and revolution). So as these motions change Time changes and we then perceive Waves."

Where you explained:

"That one requires perhaps some firm background in physics."

Your statement is wrong. All you have to do is to imagine a sea wave. If you freeze the time, what you end up is a static moment in 3D-space, just like a photograph. On that photograph, no waves are present. If you take the next sample in the sequence, you will end up with virtually the same picture with the only difference that a quantity of water have propagated. If you follow the analogy with a fourth, fifth and more sample and put these samples together in a sequence, you will end up with a motion. Adding the time component to the picture creates the wave. Without the time component, all you have is a frozen static 3D space. Distinguishable dynamic motions require a time component, otherwise they do not exist.

Now imagine that you wear your 4D-glasses. A new world would open up since you would be able to see motions as objects. Pretty cool, huh!!!
